Java function uses an ActiveX control that causes browser security warnings. The workaround was to access a code-behind routine by calling AJAX Web Services.Click here for details .....
It's all about Knowledge blog is a Pakistan’s leading Blog offering new techniques, logic, ready made solutions and tools to developers, students, professionals or IT personnel in order to increase their productivity, skills, knowledge. Keep updated and sharpen with new controls, applications, gadgets and tool. This blog also offers free stuff like free e-books, free download able codes, videos, gadgets, controls, tools and consultation.
Java function uses an ActiveX control that causes browser security warnings. The workaround was to access a code-behind routine by calling AJAX Web Services.MVC is a framework methodology that divides an application's implementation into three component roles: models, views, and controllers.
This article will show you how to create an AJAX Grid and a generic pager, which mimics the built-in GridView control on the client side.
The Control(s) Provides:
If FileUpload1.HasFile Then
Dim toAddress As String = ""
Dim fromAddress As String = ""
Dim mailServer As String = ""
Dim myMailMessage As MailMessage = New MailMessage()
myMailMessage.From = New MailAddress(fromAddress)
myMailMessage.Subject = "Test Message"
Dim fileName As String = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName)
Dim myAttachment As New Attachment(FileUpload1.FileContent, fileName)
Dim mySmtpClient As New SmtpClient(mailServer)
End If
FusionCharts Free is a flash charting component that can be used to render data-driven & animated charts for your web applications and presentations.
It is a cross-browser and cross-platform solution that can be used with PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, ColdFusion, simple HTML pages or even PowerPoint Presentations to deliver interactive and powerful flash charts. You do NOT need to know anything about Flash to use FusionCharts. All you need to know is the language you're programming in.DropDown
control with multiselect options in the form of CheckBox
. I searched around for something simple, yet useful for my needs, and I wasn't able to find anything, so I developed my own control. Later, I reused the code to create a regular DropDown
control (no multiselect checkbox
options). The two controls can be merged into one, but I might do that at a later stage. On to the controls.Let's face it. Providing sensitive information on a Web site is a risk. Many visitors will not give out that kind of data even if they see that the Web site claims security. Many more will certainly not reveal their personal details if the warm-and-fuzzy closed padlock isn't visible in their browser window.
See the What's New section for the latest updates.
control. This extension of the GridView
control can also be used to display extended data details for a data row.When a new version of any technology appears, there are always new rules to be considered.
As part of my job as a Web Administrator, I used to test the new web technologies on Testing Environment before applying it on the real one. Microsoft has made the .NET Framework starting with Version 1.0 followed by v1.1 and now there are new releases v2.0 and v3.0. Microsoft gave them the ability to run together on the same server at the same time.
Click here for details ......